A Cigarette in the Chair Means Fire Damage Restoration in Anaheim, CA

It’s a beautiful day in Anaheim, CA, but after last night’s festivities, all you want to do is stay in bed for the foreseeable future. It was a long night of conversations and copious adult beverages around the campfire with friends. As you lay in bed contemplating how many activities you can respectably ignore, the pungent smell of cigarette smoke assaults your nose. Normally the smell wouldn’t bother you, but in your post-party state, it’s making your stomach turn. Your first thought is about getting some coffee, and the second is that one of your friends must already be up and having a cigarette.

 You stagger from your bed into the bathroom and then slowly make your way down the hall to the kitchen. As you get closer to the kitchen you realize the smell is getting stronger. While passing the living room doorway you nonchalantly glance into the room and notice your favorite chair is surrounded by a wispy cloud of slowly wafting smoke.

 Since you’re not fully awake, or sober, what you just saw doesn’t register. As you're standing there impatiently waiting for the coffee maker to hit the one cup line, it suddenly dawns on you - your chair is on fire! You dial 911 and then grab the fire extinguisher and rush into the living room. You manage to extinguish the fire, but not before it has consumed most of your chair and the drapes, wall, and carpet around it.

 As the fire department is finishing their work and packing up, the Fire Chief tells you it appears a lit cigarette fell between the cushions and sat there smoldering until the fabrics finally ignited. What a mess! Where in the Anaheim, CA area can you find someone to help you with the fire damage restoration?

 ServiceMaster C2C is the place to turn if you live in the Anaheim, CA area and find yourself in need of fire damage restoration. We pride ourselves on having highly trained technicians qualified in all the latest techniques for fire damage repair. Our technicians are also certified and skilled in smoke damage removal. We can make it so your home looks and smells like new.

 For any and all fire damage restoration needs in the Anaheim, CA, area give ServiceMaster C2C a call at (877) 468-3566.

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