The Santa Ana, CA, Weather Has Been Non-Stop Rain and Now You Need Water Damage Cleanup

You’re in Santa Ana, CA, and it’s been raining on and off all week; you’ve been miserable. It’s made getting to work and engaging in other activities difficult. All you want is for the rain to stop and for everything to dry out. It’s Saturday morning and the forecast calls for rain in the morning and sun in the afternoon. Hopefully the end is in sight. You make your way to the kitchen to make a big pot of coffee. In a half asleep state, you stumble through the kitchen. Your foot is suddenly wet. Strange, you think, because you don’t remember spilling anything on the floor. You look down and see a large puddle. As you slowly come to a fully conscious state, you realize that there’s a puddle in the dining room too and the carpet in the living room looks wet. You quickly check the windows, and they weren’t left open, so where did this water come from? Each of these rooms is an outside room and it appears that the water has somehow seeped in. Now what do you do? Well, you have to start the water removal process quickly.

 Those of us at ServiceMaster C2C understand the devastation you feel when you can see your things going underwater. We’re here to help those in the Santa Ana, CA, area at all times of the day and night. We use state-of-the-art technology to aid us with water damage repair. We specifically use a thermal imaging (infrared) camera. This camera can help us detect seemingly invisible problems quickly, such as moisture detection within the walls. Once we can detect these issues we can get started on the water damage cleanup promptly.

 At ServiceMaster C2C we also use a negative air machine during the process of water damage cleanup. The negative air machine creates negative air pressure, which allows us to use the air scrubbers to clean the air. This helps with mold cleanup and mold restoration. Once the air has been cleaned, we will use dehumidifiers and other technology to ensure that the residence is completely dried out and completely safe.

 For all your water damage restoration needs in Santa Ana, CA, give us at ServiceMaster C2C a call at (877) 468-3566.

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